Regent Mannion Inspires SANY 3rd Graders

SANY Atoms Paid a Special Visit by Regent Patrick Mannion

Thursday, May 9th, 2024: Regent Patrick Mannion of the NY State Board of Regents visited with Syracuse Academy of Science 3rd graders!

Regent Mannion explained what the Board of Regents does and engaged with our Atoms about their dreams and aspirations. He also read a story about presidents and a girl who dreams of being the first female president of the United States!

Thank you to Regent Mannion for visiting us, and we hope to have another visit soon!


Science Academies of New York | SANY will provide support, challenges and opportunities for its students, and it will instill the necessary skills and knowledge in math, science, and technology to empower students, through high intellectual standards, preparing them for college, career, and citizenship.